Zend Framework

SwiftMailer on Zend Framework

This topic has been in my todo list for 3 months already so it’s time to add another great information to our knowledge base. To provide our mailing functionality, I choose SwiftMailer over Zend_Mail. I have integrated SwiftMailer into our Zend Framework based project and here it goes.

Setup SwiftMailer

First, get SwiftMailer from it’s download page. It is just a few 300K+ tar.gz file. Extract the contents and put it on the library directory of your Zend Framework project directory.

            {SwiftMailer files here}

The Code

Since SwiftMailer uses different filename conventions, we cannot use Zend Frameworks autoloading feature. Instead, we will use a simple require_once. To use SwiftMailer’s own autoloading feature, include the swift_required.php file.

require_once ‘Swiftmailer/swift_required.php’;

Basically, you will need to setup these three components to get you started:

  1. Transport
  2. Mailer
  3. Message
//create transport
$transport = Swift_SmtpTransport::newInstance()

//Create mailer
$mailer = Swift_Mailer::newInstance($transport);

//Create the message
$message = Swift_Message::newInstance()
	->setFrom(array('frommail@gmail.com' => 'The Name of Sender'))
	->setBody('The HTML body here', 'text/html');

//Send the message

That’s it! I hope I would memorize that one. Anyway, if ever I forgot, I’ll just visit this page. Pretty cool huh?

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